Unleashing the Miraculous Through Intercession – Hebrews 7:25

Unleashing the Miraculous Through Intercession
June 27, 2023

Unleashing the Miraculous Through Intercession – Hebrews 7:25

Last week’s sermon focused on the power and significance of intercessory prayer in unleashing miraculous blessings.

Unleashing the Miraculous Through Intercession


The sermon emphasized that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him and highlighted the importance of prayer for the church and its members.

I. The Role of Intercession

Pastor Eric began by emphasizing that God is raising up an army of intercessors within the church. An intercessor is someone who stands in the gap between God and others, representing them and bringing their needs, concerns, and requests before God. This role was not limited to the priests in the Old Testament but extends to all believers. As believers, we are called to be priests and intercessors, just as Jesus, our High Priest, lives to make intercession for us.

Read Hebrews 7:25

II. The Power of Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory prayer is a powerful tool that unleashes supernatural blessings. Jesus, as our High Priest, holds His priesthood permanently and is able to save completely those who draw near to God through Him. By engaging in intercessory prayer, we align ourselves with Jesus’ ministry of intercession, participating in His work of salvation and redemption. Through intercession, we can bring the needs of others before God, seeking His favour, guidance, and breakthroughs in their lives.

III. Overcoming Misconceptions about Intercessory Prayer

In pastor Eric’s sermon, he addressed common misconceptions about intercessory prayer to encourage and inspire believers to engage in this practice.

1. Intercessory prayer is reserved for the spiritually elite

All believers are invited and called to practice intercessory prayer. It is not a special gift but a discipline that can be learned and developed with time, knowledge, practice, and the help of the Holy Spirit. Just as breathing sustains our physical life, prayer sustains our spiritual life.

2. Intercessory prayer is limited to those with a special gift of prayer

Prayer is not listed as a specific gift in the Bible. It is something that can be learned and improved upon. There are different types and forms of prayer, and the Holy Spirit assists and guides believers in their prayer life.

3. Intercessory prayer is not necessary given God is sovereign

While God is omniscient and has a plan, He invites us to participate in His plans through intercession. Intercessory prayer aligns our hearts and minds with God’s will and enables us to partner with Him in bringing about His purposes on earth. We are called to pray for others, including their salvation, leaders and authorities, and the growth and well-being of the church.

IV. Practical Application of Intercessory Prayer

The sermon concluded by providing practical ways to put intercessory prayer into practice:

1. Praying for others

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Pastor Eric stressed the importance of praying for others and outlined three key areas where intercessory prayer can be applied.

The first area is praying for others, especially those who are not yet saved. The sermon emphasized that intercessors should lift up the needs, burdens, and desires of others before God, seeking His mercy and guidance. The goal is to intercede for their salvation, recognizing that God desires everyone to come to repentance.

The second area is praying for leaders and authorities.

2. Leaders and Authorities

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. For kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Believers were urged to intercede for political leaders, government officials, judicial leaders, and church leaders. The purpose of this intercession is to pray for those who shape policies, influence society, and so that we can ultimately live peaceful and godly lives.

The third area is praying for the church and its members.

3. For the Church

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

As believers, we are encouraged to pray for the spiritual growth of fellow believers, that they may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will, grow in wisdom and understanding, and bear fruit in their works. Additionally, prayers for unity, faithfulness, and readiness for the Lord are encouraged.

The sermon highlighted that if the whole church embraced intercessory prayer, revival would occur. Unity, transformation, inspiration, open doors, breakthroughs, deliverance, and miracles would abound. The power of intercessory prayer was emphasized as a catalyst for change and growth within the church and the lives of individuals.

Watch the sermon here:

Unleashing the Miraculous Through Intercession