A Father’s Unwavering Trust in God – Job 1,2, 42

A Father's Unwavering Trust in God
June 22, 2023

A Father’s Unwavering Trust in God – Job 1,2, 42

A Father's Unwavering Trust in God

On that special Father’s Day, we gathered to honour dads and reflected on the story of a remarkable father who weathered a tremendous storm with unwavering trust in God. The sermon focused on fathers but carried a universal message, reminding us that trials and storms are not exclusive to a particular group. As we delved into the story of Job, we discovered the importance of remaining faithful to God until the end, regardless of the challenges we faced.


Pastor Eric delivered a sermon titled “A Father’s Unwavering Trust in God” that explored the story of Job. Job was not only a good and godly father but also a blessed and praying father. He was known for his integrity, compassion, and generosity, standing as an example for all of us to follow. Despite experiencing unimaginable hardships and spiritual attacks, Job remained faithful to God until the end.

The sermon emphasized the significance of finishing well, using Ecclesiastes 7:8 as a guiding scripture:

Better is the end of a thing than its beginning.

Pastor Eric encouraged everyone to stay faithful to God, their families, their calling, and to be diligent in the small things until the end.

Key Points:

1. Job’s Character as a Good Father.

Job was described as a blameless and upright man, conducting himself with integrity and moral principles. In a world filled with shortcuts and scandals, Job’s example reminded us of the importance of being blameless and upright, not only for fathers but for all individuals. Pastor Eric urged the congregation to strive for integrity and become examples in their families, church, community, and the world.

2. Job’s Godliness as a Father.

Job’s fear of the Lord was evident in his actions and decisions. He was concerned with what God thought and practiced turning away from evil. The fear of the Lord was a reverential awe, deep respect, and submission towards God, helping us to stay away from evil. Pastor Eric highlighted the need to cultivate the fear of the Lord and walk in obedience to His commands.

3. Job’s Blessings as a Father.

Job was blessed with ten children and great wealth and influence. However, his blessings did not define his faith. The sermon emphasized the biblical truth that children were a gift from the Lord and a reward. Pastor Eric encouraged parents to remember this verse in moments of frustration with their children, appreciating them as blessings rather than burdens.

4. Job’s Example as a Praying Father.

Job was a dedicated intercessor for his children, offering sacrifices and praying for them regularly. Pastor Eric stressed the importance of parents standing in the gap for their children and families, especially in a world filled with challenges. He called for increased prayer and spiritual protection over loved ones, acknowledging the unique struggles faced by the younger generation.

The Turning Point.

The sermon took a dramatic turn when Pastor Eric highlighted a higher court discussion between God and Satan that changed Job’s life forever. Satan was given permission to test Job, leading to a series of devastating losses. Despite the overwhelming trials, Job’s faith remained relational, grounded in his deep relationship with God.

Lessons Learned:

1. Job’s Faith Was Relational, not Transactional.

Job’s response to his immense suffering surprised Satan, who believed that taking away the transactional elements of Job’s faith would cause him to turn against God. However, Job’s faith was rooted in a personal relationship with God rather than the blessings he received. He mourned his losses, but he worshiped God, acknowledging His sovereignty.

2. Job’s Story Demonstrated the Possibility of Restoration after Loss.

Job’s life served as a powerful testament that restoration was possible even after enduring immense suffering.

As we concluded this Father’s Day sermon, we recognized the profound impact Job’s story had on our hearts. Through Job’s unwavering trust in God, we witnessed the strength and resilience that could be found in times of storms. Job’s character as a good and godly father, his unwavering faithfulness, and his reliance on prayer served as timeless lessons for fathers and individuals alike.

Just as Job’s story resonated with us that day, it was important to remember that our own lives could be filled with trials and challenges. But we could take solace in knowing that we were not alone. Our Heavenly Father stood with us in the midst of our storms, ready to offer comfort, guidance, and strength.

In the journey of fatherhood, we were called to emulate Job’s example of integrity, godliness, and prayer. We were called to be fathers who feared the Lord and led our families with love and compassion. Let us be fathers who intercede on behalf of our children, covering them with prayers of protection, guidance, and blessing.

Furthermore, this sermon reminded us that the storms of life did not discriminate. They affected us all—fathers, mothers, children, and individuals from all walks of life. However, when we anchored our trust in God and remained faithful to Him until the end, we could find the strength to weather any storm that came our way.

In conclusion, we not only celebrated fathers on that special day but also honored the lessons we had learned from Job’s story. We were inspired by his unwavering trust in God, knowing that even in the darkest of times, our Heavenly Father was our refuge and strength.

Watch sermon here:

A Father's Unwavering Trust in God