Let’s Do Some Mountain Climbing!!!

While on a ride in the country, my granddaughter asked us to drive up to the top of a mountain (it was actually just a high hill) that was ahead of us. As we drove up, we taught them the song “The bear went over the mountain” and spent the next (too many) minutes having fun singing it.

There are the physical mountains that fascinate people, and that can also provide monumental (good play on words) challenges. Check out the history of the building of the Canadian National Railway through the Rockies in Western Canada.

Then there are the spiritual mountains that come across our paths from time to time. Our pastor talked about three of these mountains recently.
First, there is the mountain of limitations. This mountain can try to tell you what you can or cannot do because of your past, your present situation, your lack of resources, your physical or financial limitations, etc. However, there comes a time when we must do what Mark 11:22 – 24 suggest: in faith, speak to the mountain and tell it to move.
Second, there is the mountain of intercession. We look to Jesus as our example, and in Matthew 14:22 – 23, the crowd is sent away and he goes to the mountain to pray. In Luke 22:39 (NIRV), we read that “Jesus went as usual to the Mount of Olives…” As Jesus needed to be alone to pray and meditate, so do we. We need to go to our mountain of intercession, and, figuratively speaking, close the door to any of the voices or noises of our everyday lives that would distract us.
Third, there is the mountain of repossession. Take back what the mountain of limitations and the enemy has taken from you. Sometimes it will require you to spend some time on the mountain of intercession. Rain did come for Elijah, but not right away. He had to have faith, be persistent, and trust what God had said. It is never too late to claim the promise of God and to take back what the enemy has stolen from you. Check out John 14:12-14. God bless you in your mountain climbing!!!