The Bible is a book of promises. It’s also a manual for living and a blueprint for the future. For more than two thousand years, Christians have been applying its truths to their lives and discovering that God has promised to provide everything they need for life and godliness in Christ Jesus. (2 Peter 1:3)
But what if you feel like something is missing? What if your faith feels too small or insignificant? What if you don’t see any fruit from the Word being applied to your life? The problem isn’t with the Word; it’s usually with us! In this post, we will explore one common reason why our faith might be lacking fruitfulness, as well as biblical principles that can help us bear abundant fruit.
Unfruitfulness Leads to Unbalance
First, unfruitfulness leads to imbalance. The Bible doesn’t promise to provide everything we need for life and godliness in Christ while leaving us spiritually bankrupt. On the contrary, it promises that “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be their peace” (Isaiah 54:13). We shouldn’t feel like our faith is empty and meaningless; we should feel full and overflowing with God’s Word!
This lack of balance causes us to become…
Not Prepared for Future Trials
The second reason that Christians often struggle with fruitfulness is because they are not prepared for future trials. Again, this goes back to an issue of balance. There are in fact many promises in the Bible that assure us of God’s presence in our difficult times. But there are also many warnings about future trial, and these should not be ignored just because they are uncomfortable!
We have to remember that
all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
(2 Timothy 3:12)
If we’re not prepared for persecution when it comes, then we’re in trouble? For this reason, it’s important to remember that unfruitfulness—more than anything else—will undermine our ability to stand firm against the trials of life and the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11-18).
If we want our faith to produce fruit and bear victory over hardship, we must walk in balance. The Word is our strength, and God’s promises are true! He will provide us with everything we need for life and godliness while also preparing us to face difficult times.
Make This Your Prayer Today
If you find yourself feeling unfruitful today, don’t be discouraged! Ask the Lord to show you whether or not there is an issue of balance in your life. Then, pray this prayer:
God, I want to bear fruit so that I’ll give you the glory that you deserve. (John 15:8) Teach me how to walk in balanced dependence on your Word. Bring forth fruit from my life—both now and in the future—so that many will praise you forever!
Having a fruitful life is important to God, and it’s also something that you can do. Stay connected to the true vine (Jesus) so that you and I can bear much fruit to glorify Him.