May 24, 2023
Listen to last week’s sermon The Perilous Road of Judging Others found in James 4:11-12.
On May 21, 2023, Pastor Eric began his sermon with a bit of humour. He asked the congregation if anyone was familiar with the cartoon Peanuts featuring Charlie Brown. In a particular comic strip, Lucy is saying that if she was in charge of the world, she would change everything. And Charlie Brown replied, “Well, that would not be easy. Where would you start?” And Lucy looks directly at him, points her finger at him, and says, “I’d start with you.” It is all too easy to place blame on someone else and avoid taking responsibility for our own actions. However, it is not so easy to take a step back and examine our own motivations and emotions.
Max Lucado once said,
To judge others is easy. To understand others is hard. May we choose the harder path of compassion and empathy.
Read Jeremiah 17:9
In Jeremiah 17:9, the prophet Jeremiah warns us that,
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Who can understand the heart? The Bible says that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. This statement is rooted in the original sin, which left humanity with a broken nature. We live in a world where brokenness is pervasive, from the systems that rule us, to the families we are born into. As a result, it is difficult to trust our own hearts and minds as they often mislead and misguide us. Some people may think that following one’s heart is good advice, but this is not the case. Our hearts can be deceiving, leading us to believe that our decisions and actions are right, when in fact they may not be. Our hearts can be deceptive, as they are adept at masking real intentions and can alter our perception of reality. Ultimately, our hearts can be unreliable and it is important to be mindful of their potential to deceive.
We tend to be quick to point out the mistakes of others, yet when it comes to our own, we tend to be more lenient on ourselves. We may even do the same thing or something worse without a second thought, yet we remain vigilant about the wrongdoings of those around us. We can recall the smallest details of the offenses of others, and yet we feel completely justified in doing so. It is as if our hearts tell us that it is acceptable to criticize others and remember their wrongs. Jeremiah speaks on this matter in Jeremiah 17:9, saying, “Who can understand it?” It speaks of the complexity and the mysterious nature of the human heart. We must therefore seek guidance from God, the only One who can truly understand our heart’s intentions. He alone can see to the depths of our hearts and know our true desires. Therefore, we must be careful to not solely trust our heart but instead trust in the Lord, who can discern the truth of our hearts. He is the One who can provide us with the guidance we need to make sure our intentions stay pure and our actions are just. Even when we feel like we cannot trust our own hearts, we can always look to the Lord and His Word for the answers we seek. With His help, we can have faith that He can lead us in the right direction.
Pastor Eric’s sermon today is titled
The Perilous Road of Judging Others.
He reminded us that judging is a complex matter that can be easily misunderstood and misapplied in our lives. It can often be difficult to know the right balance between judging too much and not enough. When we don’t get it right, it causes pain, harms reputations, and creates divisions in relationships, families, workplaces, businesses, and in churches. We must therefore be mindful of the effects of our words and actions, and strive to always be truthful, respectful and understanding.
The word ‘perilous’ in the title of Pastor Eric’s message today, refers to something that is full of danger, risk, or uncertainty. It can be used to describe a situation or circumstance that presents a threat or the possibility of harm. This highlights the need to be extremely cautious when it comes to the potential risks that can be associated with this type of behaviour. Judging others can be a perilous road for those involved, as it can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and take the utmost caution when it comes to this type of behaviour.
As Christians, we are instructed to judge some things and not others, but there is a tendency to judge the wrong things. This brings us to the ultimate question: to judge or not to judge? The Bible directs us to make judgments in certain areas and other things that we should not judge. Furthermore, there is a danger of judging too quickly without first considering the facts and actions. We should be careful not to jump to conclusions or condemn someone before hearing their side of the story and examining all the facts. In all that we do, we must remember to be humble and respectful. We must also be mindful of our motivations. If our judgments are rooted in pride, jealousy, or a desire to control, they are not based on love, truth and will only lead to more harm. Ultimately, we should look to God and God’s word for guidance in these matters and allow Him and His word to be our ultimate judge. When it comes to judging others, it is important to consider the Bible’s instructions and be discerning.
Pastor Eric then invited us to turn with him to James, chapter 4. As we opened our Bibles, he shared with us a lesson he once heard from a teacher: We ought to approach the Word of God with a spoon rather than a shovel. With a shovel, we may be tempted to throw its contents in the face of others, but with a spoon, we can just take enough to feed ourselves. We need to take the time to meditate on the truths revealed in the Bible and how they apply to our lives. We need to bring the Word of God into our own hearts, and as we do, God will give us the wisdom and strength to apply it to our own lives.
James 2:19, 26
The book of James is found in the New Testament and is attributed to James, the brother of Jesus. In the early years of Jesus’ ministry, James did not believe that his brother was the Messiah, but after the Resurrection, his faith in Jesus was unwavering. James thus wrote about the importance of living a life of faith and action. He stressed that it is not enough to simply have faith; one must also act in accordance with that faith. James understood that faith without action is dead. It is not enough to claim to believe in God, as the demons also believe in God, and yet they still tremble. We are not more special than others simply because we believe in God; we have to show our faith through our actions. James emphasizes this point in the book of James. He highlights that if we truly have faith, then our deeds must reflect that. We must not only claim to have faith, but also put in the effort to live out that faith. This is the message that James is trying to convey throughout his writing.
James also stresses the importance of having our tongues reflect our faith. He encourages us to show kindness to all, regardless of their background or status, and to resist worldly desires. He also emphasizes the importance of humility and warns us against treating people differently based on their wealth or poverty. James further encourages believers who are going through trials to rejoice and persevere, holding on to their faith. He reminds us that God is faithful, and will reward us for our perseverance. He admonishes us to treat all people with respect and to never show favoritism. He stresses that we should not use our words to cause harm or to tear one another down. James reminds us that our words have power and that we should strive to use them to build up one another and to reflect our faith. He encourages us to be mindful of our words and to use them to bring joy, peace, and love to those around us. He urges us to stay rooted in our faith and to show kindness and humility in all our interactions.
In James 4, he addresses the issue of conflict and quarrels among believers. He starts the chapter by highlighting the root cause of these conflicts, which he suggests is due to a person’s desires and passions stemming from their flesh. He implies that these conflicts come about when people try to act in the same way as the world does. In other words, James is suggesting that conflict arises when people are not living in accordance to the Lord’s will. This chapter serves as a reminder for believers to remember that they are to be set apart from the world and instead strive for the will of God.
Read James 3:15, 17
In James 3:15, James warns us against the dangers of worldly wisdom. He describes it as “earthly, unspiritual, and inspired by the devil” because it leads to jealousy and selfish ambition. The average person may think that this kind of wisdom is not so bad, but James warns us against it, because it is the same kind of wisdom that comes from the pits of hell. This kind of wisdom creates bitterness and conflict between people, and it distances us from God. Therefore, James urges us to embrace the kind of wisdom that is from above, which is pure, peace-loving, considerate, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. This type of wisdom is what will bring us closer to God and lead us to a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment.
James is calling on all believers to turn away from the wisdom of the world and seek out the wisdom from above. He wants us to move away from the works of the flesh, which is our fallen nature, and instead embrace the love and grace that comes from a higher power. By doing this, we can find true peace and joy in our lives, and be freed from the chains of the world. He calls us to free ourselves from the temptations and desires of the flesh and to instead seek out the things of the Spirit. He invites us to discover new depths of understanding and to explore the mysteries of God. By leaving behind the works of the flesh, we can open ourselves up to a more meaningful life experience. So, James is calling believers to forsake the wisdom of the world and be filled with the wisdom from above – to depart from the works of the flesh, the fallen nature.
Read James 4:11-12
James 4:11-12 states,
Don’t speak evil against each other, dear brothers and sisters. If you criticize and judge each other, then you are criticizing and judging God’s law. But your job is to obey the law, not to judge whether it applies to you. God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbor?
In the above passage, James is addressing believers, not unbelievers. He is talking to us and encourages us to not slander one another. Christians should be setting an example for the world, and as such should not be engaging in the same kind of malicious gossip and slander that is so common amongst politicians and political parties. Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour is still rampant in politics today, and the public is often exposed to it in the form of negative campaigning or the spread of malicious rumours. As Christians, we should strive to be above this kind of behaviour and instead focus on building each other up, and being a light to the world.
Read John 13:34-35
Pastor Eric remembers watching wrestling as a child. There was so much hype before the actual match, with plenty of “Rrrr! I’m going to take him out!” “Rrrr! I’m going to crush him!”, and lots of slandering happening. Despite knowing the match was fake, he found the slandering pretty entertaining. But then, he became a Christian, started reading the Bible and realized that the Bible says we are not to slander. To slander is not in alignment with the Spirit of God that we have received and the faith that we are called to embrace. We have been commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to love our neighbour as ourselves. John 13:34-35 states, “And so I am giving a new commandment to you now—love each other just as much as I love you. Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” We are all called to live a life of love and forgiveness, and to refrain from slandering others. We must strive to be merciful and kind in our words and actions, and to remember that we are all equal in the eyes of God and worth of His love.
Read Luke 6:27-28 and 1 John 4:20
We should never slander others, regardless of whether or not we agree with their beliefs or views. Jesus makes this clear in Luke 6:27-28 when He says,
Listen, all of you. Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Pray for the happiness of those who curse you, implore God’s blessing on those who hurt you.
As Christians, we are called to carry our cross daily, no matter how difficult it may be. But with the help and grace of God, this burden can be made easier to bear. Through this act of carrying our cross daily, we are showing ourselves to be Jesus’ disciples and honouring His teachings. No matter how difficult it may be, we must never resort to slander or the ill-treatment of others, for Jesus has commanded us to love our enemies and treat them with kindness. By carrying our cross daily, we are demonstrating to a broken world that we are Jesus’ disciples and that we are distinct from the rest of the world. We live by a higher standard, where love is always the answer and never the wrong choice. This is what John affirms in 1 John 4:20, where he says,
If people say, ‘I love God,’ but hate their brothers or sisters, they are liars. Those who do not love their brothers and sisters, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have never seen.
So, when we carry our cross daily, we are showing the world the kind of love that only comes from God. We are showing them that we are different, and that we love differently.
Brothers and sisters, we need to remember that we are working under a different Kingdom and serving a different King. His rules are different from the world’s and sometimes we can adopt the behaviours and habits that we are actually called to avoid. We can even neglect the things that we are actually supposed to do. The Lord calls us to love one another, and that includes not speaking badly of each other. We are not here to judge and slander but to show grace and mercy. Let us all be reminded to stay true to our calling and not be like the world. Let us strive to be the reflection of our King and show love to one another.
The Greek word for ‘slander’ is ‘katalalia’. It is derived from the combination of two Greek words, ‘kata’, which means ‘against’, and the word ‘lalia’ which means ‘to speak’. So ‘katalalia’ literally means ‘to speak against’ or ‘to speak evil of’. To slander someone means to speak against someone or revile or defame them with malicious intent. It refers to making false or damaging statements about someone, spreading harmful rumours, or engaging in negative, toxic speech that undermines the reputation or character of that person.
In his book How to Experience Revival, Charles Finney highlighted an important point about the nature of slander. He said,
The times you have spoken unnecessarily about the faults, real or imagined, of members of the church, or others behind their back, this is slander. You do not need to lie to be guilty of slander.
In other words, it is possible to commit slander without making up stories. All that is required is that the truth is spoken with the intent to injure. No matter how true, we should never use words to intentionally hurt someone. Words can have a powerful effect on our lives, our homes, and our church, and can cause a great deal of damage if they are used with negative intent. We must be mindful of our words and use them to edify and uplift, rather than to tear down and hurt. We should strive to be agents of peace and understanding, and recognize that words have the power to heal or hurt. By being mindful and intentional with the words we choose, we can bring more joy and revival into our lives, our homes, and our church.
Read Matthew 15:11
James addressed his audience, imploring them to stop the harmful practice of slandering and speaking evil of one another. He encouraged them to humble themselves in repentance.
Perhaps, we were not slanderers before but we began to surround ourselves with people who slander, to watch politics, to follow social media, or to even spend time with Christians who speak evil of others. Pastor Eric stressed the importance of avoiding such influences, and of having a humble spirit and a loving heart. Slander grieves the Holy Spirit and limits the supernatural work of God in the church. It is behind so many divisions and conflicts, creating a culture of suspicion and witch hunt rather than a culture of love. This hinders the Church’s ability to fulfill its mission, and it negatively affects our testimony to the broken world and our Christian witness. It even affects us as individuals; it defiles us. Pastor Eric reminded us that gossip and slander are not only hurtful and destructive but also an affront to God. He encouraged us to instead focus on building one another up and speaking words of kindness and encouragement to one another. We must remember what Jesus said in Matthew 15:11: You aren’t made unholy by eating nonkosher food! It is what you say and think that makes you unclean.
The late Charles Stanley said,
Slander not only harms the reputation of others, but it tarnishes our own character. Let’s choose kindness and truth instead.
Read James 4:11-12
As we read earlier, James 4:11-12 states,
Don’t speak evil against each other, dear brothers and sisters. If you criticize and judge each other, then you are criticizing and judging God’s law. But your job is to obey the law, not to judge whether it applies to you. God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbor?
Slandering is a form of speaking against someone, but James takes it a step further in this passage: when we engage in such behaviours, we are in fact judging them. To put it another way, we are taking it upon ourselves to pass judgment on someone else, which is something that only God has the authority and the right to do. Not only is this unrighteous and wrong, but it is also a form of hypocrisy: how can we judge another person when we ourselves are far from perfect?
We all know that it’s wrong to judge others and that we should be kind and understanding. But when it comes to evil and sin, sometimes it is necessary to take action and address it. We are not to be unkind or harsh in doing so. We are to discuss the matter with the person in question in a humble and respectful manner, in humility and gentleness, in love, with a desire to see that person repent. This way, we can provide the person with an opportunity to recognize their wrongdoing and make changes for the better.
Pastor Eric thoroughly enjoys his job as a pastor, but there are parts of it that he does not like. One of the most difficult situations for him is confronting people. For example, there are couples who have been attending church for years and are living together without being married. Pastor Eric has had to address the issue of premarital sex head-on and explain that in order to be right with God, they need to get married. It is not an easy conversation, but it is a necessary one. God says that sex is to be enjoyed only between a husband and his wife in the context of marriage, and so the issue must be addressed. Couples often say that he is judging them, but that is not what he is doing. Instead, Pastor Eric is helping them to get right with God and encouraging them to take the steps necessary to be obedient in their relationship with Him. He wants couples to understand that marriage is not just an option, but a biblical command.
Read John 8:3-11
We are called to tell people to stop their sinning and to live a life of repentance, just as Jesus did when he encountered the woman caught in the act of adultery. The Pharisees wanted to test Jesus and stone the woman to death, but Jesus instead showed mercy and grace, saying, “I do not condemn you either. Go, and from now on do not sin anymore.” (John 8:11). This is a reminder that although grace is available to us, we are still expected to turn away from our sinful ways and live our lives in repentance. We are to go and sin no more, and by doing so, we can honour God and all that He has done for us.
Pastor Eric shared a time when he was not a Christian but wanted to believe. He knew deep down that he wanted to follow Christ, but his lifestyle was getting in the way. He was living with non-Christians, and being involved in gangs, drugs, and crime. He found himself falling in love with his sin, unable to let it go and turn to God. But eventually, he realized that he had to hate his sin, and repent of it so he could follow God. He made the choice to turn away from his old life and embrace the life of following Christ. Now, Pastor Eric strongly encourages people to turn away from their sins, because they can never truly bring satisfaction and contentment. Instead, he invites them to seek out the presence of God, for that is where real joy and pleasure can be found. Nothing else compares to the presence of God – no drugs, no sex, no worldly pleasures can ever measure up to it. Jesus is the ultimate treasure and highlight of life, and there is no comparison. That’s why we should not cling to things that pale in comparison to the Lord. He is the ultimate source of joy and peace, and the only One that can truly satisfy us.
Read Galatians 6:1-2
Galatians 6:1-2 says,
Brothers and sisters, if someone in your group does something wrong, you who are spiritual should go to that person and gently help make him right again. But be careful, because you might be tempted to sin, too. By helping each other with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ.
It is important that we approach those who have sinned with a gentle spirit, rather than a harsh or condemning one. We should not point our finger in accusation, but instead, strive to wrap an arm around them to help restore them. We are to be compassionate and gracious, rather than harsh and condemning. By doing so, we can help others to find a path to forgiveness and restoration.
Read 1 Corinthians 2:15
When James says not to judge a brother or sister, he is not suggesting that we turn a blind eye to evil. He is also not calling us to be discerning as the spiritual man has insight into everything. That being said, there is a problem with our judgment.
4 Problems with how most people judge
It is often inaccurate
Our judgment is often flawed and inaccurate due to the fact that it is usually based on limited information. We tend to form opinions, make assumptions, and jump to conclusions without all the facts. We don’t know the circumstances, the intentions or motives, the person’s personal struggles, the story behind the story. This is why it is so important to get all the facts before forming an opinion about a person or situation. With incomplete information, our judgments tend to be inaccurate and often lead to misunderstandings. Taking the time to explore the full story allows us to form a more accurate opinion. In the end, it is important to remember that our judgments are only as good as the information that we have.
There is a reason why our justice system is designed to ensure that everyone is given a fair trial, no matter their guilt or innocence. To that end, a process is undertaken to ensure that all relevant facts are taken into account before a verdict is given. Evidence is collected, testimonies are heard, and the cause, intent, and motive are all scrutinized to determine whether the crime was intentional or accidental. This process can be lengthy, with multiple hearings and appeals. However, it is necessary to ensure that justice is served and that the accused is given a fair chance to defend themselves. So many Christians today are quick to pass judgment without having all the facts. We often think we have the ability to discern the truth of a situation, but that is not always the case. We can be misled by our own biases and assumptions, and the result is that we can be too quick to judge others without having all the facts.
As Christians, we are called to judge the fruits of one’s actions. We can assess whether or not someone’s actions are in alignment with Christian principles, but we should not attempt to judge the heart, the motive, or the intention behind those actions. It is very difficult for us to understand the heart and the intention of another person. However, God sees the heart and is able to understand the true motives behind our actions. We should strive to be as Christ-like as we can, understanding that God is the only one who can truly judge the heart.
It is often biased
Read Matthew 7:1-5
It is easy to look at the faults of others and judge them harshly, yet when it comes to our own behaviour, we are often much softer on ourselves. We may accuse someone of gossiping, yet justify our own gossiping as harmless, or call someone out for losing their temper, but excuse our own angry outbursts as ‘holy anger’. It is clear that we are often much harsher on others than we are on ourselves. We can see this double standard in action in Matthew 7:1-5. Jesus tells us,
Don’t judge others, or you will be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you. ‘Why do you notice the little piece of dust in your friend’s eye, but you don’t notice the big piece of wood in your own eye? How can you say to your friend, ‘Let me take that little piece of dust out of your eye? Look at yourself! You still have that big piece of wood in your own eye. You hypocrite! First, take the wood out of your own eye. Then you will see clearly to take the dust out of your friend’s eye.
Our judgment can often be problematic as we may be biased in our opinion. Thus, it is important to be careful when judging others. Jesus warns us that whatever measure we use to judge others will be used against us. This is why it is so important to take a look at our own hearts and ask ourselves if our opinion is being formed from a place of bias. Rather than judging others, we are called to help our brothers and sisters who are walking on shady paths. We are to put our own judgment aside and look for ways to help and support them in finding a better path. It is also important to remember our past, and where we have come from.
Read Luke 18:9-14
In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, the Pharisee goes to the house of prayer and thanks the Lord for not being like the tax collector.
I thank You that I am not like all those sinners out there. I fast twice a week, and I give one-tenth of everything I get!
The tax collector, on the other hand, does not even look up. He feels unworthy to look up to heaven. He beats his chest and mourns his sins saying, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” And Jesus said, “I tell you, when this man went home, he was right with God, but the Pharisee was not. All who make themselves great will be made humble, but all who make themselves humble will be made great.” (Luke 18:9-14).
When we came into the Kingdom of God, we entered from the place of the tax collector – a sinner in need of grace and mercy. However, after a while, we can become like the Pharisee, looking down on all the sinners who come after us. We forget that we too were once like the tax collector, desperately in need of grace and mercy. We must not forget where we came from and instead of judging others, we must extend compassion and understanding. After all, when we enter the Kingdom of God, we all come from the same place. We are all equal in the eyes of God, and we should remember this truth when we judge.
It is often hurtful
Read Proverbs 22:1
Our judgment can be a powerful and hurtful force, damaging relationships and reputations. Oftentimes, criticism from others can be negative and cause pain. James speaks to this, saying that judgment has the potential to damage reputations. Proverbs 22:1 drives this point home, stressing that
It is better to be respected than to be rich. A good name is worth more than silver or gold.
In other words, a good reputation is better than wealth.
When it comes to spreading slander or engaging in gossip about people, we often fail to recognize the potential damage that could be done to their reputation. It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, while it takes just a minute to damage it. Pastor Eric is not referencing those who have damaged their own reputation, but rather those who have engaged in slander against people they do not know, thus recklessly damaging their reputation. This can be in the form of spreading lies, slandering others, making assumptions, or engaging in gossip without considering the consequences. It is essential to remember that words carry power, and once something is said or written, it can be almost impossible to take it back. We must strive to be responsible for our words and the potential consequences of those words. Pastor Eric believes that spreading slander, casting judgment, or engaging in gossip about others are serious offenses before God.
When Pastor Eric speaks publicly or to a few people, he does it with the understanding that God is in the room with him. He is careful to choose his words wisely and to consider how his words may impact others. He is also careful to speak of other Christians, leaders, and pastors, even those outside of his church, with the same respect and understanding. He knows he will one day be called to account for every word he has spoken and is mindful of that when he speaks.
Read Proverbs 18:21
Pastor Eric reminds us that we should use our tongues to bless and edify others, bringing life instead of death. The power of life and death is in the tongue and therefore judging others is a slippery slope that should be approached with caution. We can certainly judge some wrongdoings, but it is important to remember that we may have limited information, and can make mistakes and sin in the process. Some things are black and white and must be judged while some things are not. It is important to weigh the consequences before we pass judgment and keep our tongues from uttering words that could bring destruction.
We are putting ourselves above God
Read 1 Corinthians 4:1-4
In 1 Corinthians 4:1-4, Paul says,
This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. But with me, it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me.
In other words, Paul is striving to keep himself free of sin and to not be a stumbling block to others. He is aware of his accountability to God and is mindful of how his behaviour will affect those around him. He wants to keep a clear conscience. He knows that he must strive to be an example of righteousness and that he must guard himself against any temptation to sin. He is determined to remain blameless and pure, as he knows that is what God expects of him. Paul is determined to follow the example of Christ and to live in such a way that will be an inspiration to those around him.
It is easy to think that we are in the right and have done nothing wrong, but this does not mean that we are acquitted. We should be careful when we judge others, knowing that God is the true Judge, and He will judge us all. Every thought, every motive, and every intention will be revealed at the Judgment Seat of Christ. No matter how much we try to hide and deceive ourselves, God knows all. He will put everything to light, both the things we are aware of and those we are not. That is why it is so important to live for God’s judgment rather than our own. We must live our lives with honesty and integrity, seeking His guidance at all times.
Read 1 Corinthians 3:13
We all want to be seen in a positive light, and sometimes that can lead us to do things out of guilt and shame rather than out of love. But it is the one who does something out of love that will be rewarded. Everything we do and everything we are will be tested and pass through fire, and only that which was done with pure motives will remain. We need to live with the fear of the Lord in our hearts, and not the fear of man. We need to make sure that whatever we do, whatever we say, we do it out of love, so as not to offend God. For if we offend God, then it no longer matters whom we try to please.
When we see things as Paul does, we are freed from the fear of man. This does not mean that we should be carefree with our actions and behaviours, but rather that we should strive to live a righteous life before God and man. We can do our best to please everyone, but ultimately, it is God’s judgment that matters. If others do not approve of us, we are going to have to accept that and trust in God’s plan, which is far greater than any human judgment. We are called to a better way, and that way is love. It is not about pointing fingers or casting stones, but rather about embracing those who are struggling.
Pastor Eric then concluded his sermon with the following powerful quotes, emphasizing the importance of being loving and merciful to others and imitating the character of God. He reminded the congregation that the measure of our spirituality is not how well we judge others, but how well we imitate the character of Christ and how well we love others. He encouraged the congregation to take these words to heart and live their lives as a reflection of the love and mercy they have received from God.
The measure of our Christianity is not how well we judge others, but how well we love them. (Timothy Keller)
The measure of our spiritual maturity is not how well we point the faults of others, but how well we extend forgiveness and offer reconciliation. (Francis Chan)
It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge, and my job to love. (Billy Graham)