February 21, 2024
The Church – Matthew 16:13-18
Listen to last week’s sermon The Church found in Matthew 16:13-18
In our recent sermon series by Pastor Eric, we delved into the heart of what it means to be part of the living Church, as envisioned by Jesus Christ Himself. Through a exploration of Scripture, we uncovered profound truths about the Church’s identity, mission, and responsibility.
The Living Stones
Central to our understanding is the recognition that the Church is not merely a physical structure but a vibrant community of believers, united by their confession of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Drawing from Matthew 16:13-18 and Acts 2:42-47, Pastor Eric emphasized that Jesus is the Head of the Church, and it is built upon the confession of His lordship. Each believer is likened to a living stone, contributing to the spiritual edifice that is the Church.
Constructing on the Right Foundation
The foundation of the Church is Christ Himself, as outlined in Romans 12:1-2 and Ephesians 4:11-13. Pastor Eric underscored the importance of aligning our activities, leadership structures, and vitality with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. Building on any other foundation leads to instability and distortion of the Church’s true purpose.
Unified in Purpose, Diverse in Expression
Diversity within the Church is celebrated as a reflection of God’s creativity and inclusive love, as evidenced in Ephesians 2:19-22 and Colossians 3:14-15. While believers may come from various backgrounds and cultures, they are united in their identity as members of the Body of Christ. Embracing diversity while remaining focused on the mission of making disciples is essential for the Church’s growth and impact.
Empowered for Mission
The Church is not a passive entity but a dynamic force empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Pastor Eric encouraged believers to step into their roles as ambassadors of Christ, boldly proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples in their spheres of influence. The Church’s mission extends beyond the confines of its physical gatherings, reaching into every corner of society with the transformative message of Jesus Christ.
Standing Firm in Faith
Trials and challenges are inevitable for believers, but the Church finds strength and endurance in its unwavering faith in God’s promises (Hebrews 10:23). Through seasons of suffering and testing, Pastor Eric reminded us of the importance of standing firm in our confession of faith, knowing that God is faithful to sustain us and bring about His purposes in our lives.
Love in Action
Finally, Pastor Eric emphasized the significance of love as the defining characteristic of the Church (Acts 2:42-47). As members of God’s family, believers are called to nurture fellowship, support one another, and demonstrate Christ-like love through acts of service. By embodying love in action, the Church becomes a tangible expression of God’s grace and compassion to the world.
Listen here: