January 23, 2024
Forming Habits of Rewards Instead of Regrets part 3
Listen to last week’s sermon – Forming Habits of Rewards Instead of Regrets (part 3).
Cultivating Habits for a Blessed Life
In the continuing series on “Forming Habits of Rewards Instead of Regrets,” we were reminded of the past sermons in this series and habits that we every christian should have.
Recap from Previous Sermons
Recapping earlier sermons, the congregation reflected on the significance of Inner Scrutiny—a call to regularly assess motives in acts of righteousness. The exploration of a Generous Spirit and the emphasis on Prayer and Fasting deepened the understanding of fundamental spiritual disciplines.
See past two sermons here:
Forming Habit of Rewards Instead of Regrets Part 2
Forming Habit of Rewards Instead of Regrets Part 1
New Habits to Form:
1. Cultivating Healthy Thought Patterns
Pastor Eric pivoted to the intriguing realm of psychoneuroimmunology, revealing the profound link between thoughts and the immune system. Drawing from Philippians 4:6 and 4:8, the congregation learned about the potential health benefits of positive thoughts and emotions. The Apostle Paul’s guidance encouraged focusing on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy.
The analogy of safeguarding the heart—our innermost core—compared to securing a computer with antivirus software resonated. The vital role of truth as the foundational belt in the armor of God underscored the importance of daily engagement with scripture.
Watch sermon here: