November 14, 2018
Army of God
On Sunday November 11th, 2018, as part of our Remembrance Day service, Pastor Betty Marshall shared a message: “Army of God”.
As Christians we are called to be God’s army. It’s important to know that you have to “enlist”, enrolment isn’t automatic. Here are the ways we can be Good Soldiers:
1). You have to enlist in God’s Army. Receiving the gift of salvation is how to enlist.
2). A good solider makes a difference. Salvation is just the beginning, we must grow day to day in our relationship with the Lord.
3). Be alert. Become familiar with the tactics of the enemy.
4). Be prepared. Weapons of Warfare: LOVE. Be different. Do not conform to the ways of the world.
5). Marching orders: wait on the Lord. Be faithful in your walk with Christ. Be obedient.