May 30, 2024
When God Seems Silent – Isaiah 40:31
Listen to last week’s sermon When God Seems Silent found in Isaiah 40:31.
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, moments of silence can often feel unsettling. This discomfort with silence extends into our spiritual lives, particularly when we are waiting on God for answers, guidance, or a breakthrough. The recent sermon by Pastor Eric, based on Isaiah 40:31, delves into this very topic—exploring what it means when God seems silent, providing a deeper understanding of waiting on God and the spiritual growth that can occur during these times.
When God Seems Silent
Silence from God is a common experience that many believers face. Pastor Eric’s sermon highlights the discomfort that silence can bring, but it also emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing these quiet moments.
People from different cultures experience silence in varying ways. In many Asian cultures, silence is valued and seen as a sign of respect and contemplation. In contrast, Western cultures, such as those in Canada and the United States, often find even a few seconds of silence in conversation uncomfortable. This discomfort can lead to an almost compulsive need to fill the silence with words. However, couples in deep, trusting relationships often find comfort in each other’s silent presence, which serves as a metaphor for our relationship with God.
Embracing Silence in Our Relationship with God
Pastor Eric suggests that just as couples find comfort in silent companionship, believers should reach a point in their relationship with God where they are comfortable with His silence. Meaning they don’t need to be in the know all the time to be at peace. This comfort stems from trust and understanding that God’s silence does not indicate His absence or indifference.
Romans 8:28 (NIV):
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Several figures in the Bible exemplify the virtue of waiting on God, even when He seems silent:
1. Abraham: Waited 25 years from the promise of a son to the birth of Isaac.
2. Joseph: Endured 13 years from his prophetic dreams to his rise to power in Egypt.
3. David: Spent about 15 years from being anointed to becoming king.
These examples remind us that waiting on God is a common experience for God’s people and often precedes significant blessings and breakthroughs.
The Benefits of Waiting on God
1. Renewed Strength
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV):
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.
Waiting on God can be a time of renewal. It recharges our spiritual, emotional, and physical energy, much like a battery being recharged. Pastor Eric shared a personal story of discouragement during his first year in Bible College. He felt ready to give up, but an unexpected message from a guest speaker renewed his strength and resolve.
If you are waiting on God for something, remember that renewed strength comes through prayer, seeking His face, fasting, praise, and thanksgiving. Waiting is not a passive activity but an active engagement with God.
Read Psalm 27:14
2. Gaining a Higher Perspective – We Level Up
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV):
They shall mount up with wings like eagles.
Eagles soar high above storms, gaining a vantage point that allows them to see things from a broader perspective. Similarly, waiting on God can help us elevate our perspective above our immediate troubles, allowing us to see things from God’s viewpoint.
When we wait on God, we are positioned to “level up” in various aspects of our faith. Our strength, hope, wisdom, peace, and patience are enhanced, allowing us to face challenges with a renewed sense of confidence and assurance.
Dr. Tony Evans:
Your willingness to wait reveals the value you place on the object you’re waiting for.
3. Running the Race with Endurance
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV):
They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Waiting on God equips us with the stamina to run our race without succumbing to weariness. Jesus invites us to find rest and strength in Him, ensuring that we do not face our challenges alone.
Read Matthew 11:28-30
Waiting on God is not about passivity but active engagement. It involves praying, seeking God’s face, and preparing for His timing. This period of waiting develops resilience, perseverance, and the character of Christ within us.
Rick Warren once said:
Waiting on God means, first, activity under command; second, readiness for any new command that may come; third, the ability to do nothing until the command is given.
Impatience and the desire for instant gratification can lead to costly mistakes. Biblical stories, such as the Israelites’ creation of the golden calf and Esau trading his birthright for a meal, serve as warnings against rushing ahead of God’s timing.
When we wait on God, we avoid the pitfalls of instant gratification and align ourselves with His perfect plan. This trust in God’s timing allows us to experience His best for our lives.
Waiting on God is a transformative process that renews our strength, elevates our perspective, and equips us with endurance. It is an active engagement that deepens our relationship with God and prepares us for His blessings.
Psalm 40:1 (NIV)
I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.