April 25, 2023
Raising Our Faith To See God’s Glory – John 11:1-44
Here last week’s sermon entitled : Raising Our Faith to See The Glory of God found in John 11.
On April 23, 2023, Pastor Eric began his sermon with an invitation to open our Bibles to John 11.
John 11 starts off with an unpleasant situation that is all too familiar to many of us. We can relate to the feelings of love and distress when someone we care about is ill. Whether it is a family member, a friend, a coworker, or even ourselves, the pain of seeing someone we love suffer is palpable.
In John 11:1-44, we are presented with the story of a man who is deeply precious and beloved to Jesus. Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, was struck with a serious illness, and his family and beloved friends were filled with sorrow. This passage is a reminder of the immense love that Christ has for each and every one of us, even in the midst of our storms. Jesus loves us deeply and desires for us to have the best life possible. We can be assured that He is there with us even in our most difficult trials and tribulations.
A man named Lazarus who was sick
Read John 11:1-2
The gospel of John tells us of
a man named Lazarus who was sick. He lived in the town of Bethany, where Mary and her sister Martha lived. (Mary is the same woman who put perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.) Mary’s brother was Lazarus, the man who was now sick. (John 11:1-2).
Lazarus was a man who suffered from a mysterious and potentially life-threatening illness. Unfortunately, no details were given about his condition, but it is clear that it was gravely dangerous. Despite his illness, Lazarus was deeply loved by Jesus. He had a strong relationship with Christ and so did his sisters, Mary and Martha. It is believed that whenever Jesus would go near Jerusalem, He would go to Lazarus’ house and spend time with him and his family. Mary, in particular, who had a special bond with Jesus, is the same Mary who anointed Him with expensive perfume and wiped His feet with her hair. Mary used the bottle of perfume in her possession to pour it on Jesus’ feet. It was an act of worship and Christ accepted it, recognizing her devotion and faith. He then made a prophetic statement, saying that wherever the gospel was preached, this incident would be mentioned. His words spoke of His burial, which was yet to come. But though Jesus was moved by Mary’s act, some people around Him were filled with indignation. They accused her of wasting the perfume and said that she should have sold it and given the money to the poor. Jesus was quick to reply, saying that the poor would always be around, but that He, on the other hand, would not.
This should serve as an example to us in times when we face criticism. People who are truly devoted to their worship of God will find themselves the subject of criticism and should take comfort in the fact that Jesus was criticized in His own time as well. It is a sign of true faith to be willing to accept criticism and grow from it. In fact, maybe it is that if no one is criticizing our worship, it may be a sign that we are not worshipping enough. We should strive to be devoted to our faith and be willing to accept criticism as a way to grow in our spiritual journey. Mary’s act of pouring perfume on Jesus’ feet should remind us of this and serve as an encouragement when we are criticized.
Mary’s brother, Lazarus, was ill and it is a difficult situation that many good people find themselves in today. They are not bad people, not ungodly people, but rather they are those who have a relationship with Jesus. It is not only Lazarus and his sisters who face such situations but also many church people and Christians around the world today. These are people who are living righteous and godly lives, yet still find themselves in difficult times.
Are we in the midst of a storm like Lazarus and his sisters went through? Do we have such a situation in our family? We may be wondering why we have a relationship with Jesus, yet we are still going through a storm. We may think that storms only happen to people who do not have a relationship with Christ, those who do not know Him. But the truth is, storms can happen to anyone, even those with a strong relationship with Jesus. Even though the storm may seem unbearable, it is important to remember that Christ is still with us and will never leave us. He is our source of hope and strength in times of distress. We can trust Him and be confident that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Difficult times are a part of life, regardless of whether we are believers or not. But how we handle them is what sets us apart. The righteous and unrighteous alike will experience storms, but it is how we react to them that matters. Those of us who are believers should show the world how we handle our storms. We should be an example of how to get through times of difficulty with strength and grace. We should be an inspiration to others, showing them that despite the storms that come our way, we can still remain steadfast in our faith and overcome them. The storms we encounter in life can be a time of growth if we handle them with courage and dignity. It is through these times that we can show the world the power of faith and resilience that we possess. So, no matter what storms come our way, let us stand firm and remain faithful, knowing that we can overcome them.
Read John 11:3-4
How did Mary and Martha deal with their storm? John 11:3-4 states, “So Mary and Martha sent someone to tell Jesus, “Lord, your dear friend Lazarus is sick.” When Jesus heard this, he said, “The end of this sickness will not be death. No, this sickness is for the glory of God. This has happened to bring glory to the Son of God.” In response to Mary and Martha’s plea, Jesus said that the sickness of their friend, Lazarus, would not end in death and that it had happened for the glory of God. This was a difficult storm for the sisters, as they had to face the possibility that their beloved brother might die.
Mary and Martha were desperate when they told Jesus that their brother, Lazarus, was sick. In a similar way, we all go through our own storms in life, and Pastor Eric knows that some people here today are struggling through a particularly difficult one. But what sets us apart as believers is not that we go through storms, but rather how we respond to them. We can choose to remain steadfast and faithful, relying on the Lord for strength and guidance even in the midst of the storm. This is how we will rise above our circumstances and find comfort and hope in the Lord. Through our storms, we can learn valuable lessons and discover the Lord’s faithfulness and goodness. He is always with us and He will never leave us.
Mary and Martha told Jesus about their brother’s condition. In the same way, we too must tell Christ about our storm, our worries, and our troubles. But rather than telling Jesus about our storm, we choose to tell others what we believe He will do with our storm. We may feel powerless in the face of the storm, but we can be sure that Jesus has a plan for it. We may not understand why the storm is occurring, but we can be certain that God’s ways are higher than our ways.
As Christians, we have a unique advantage over unbelievers when it comes to dealing with our storms. We have the amazing opportunity to talk to Jesus and share our troubles with Him. We can tell Him all our worries and our struggles, and we can be certain that He will listen and truly understand. Unlike people around us who may sympathize but can’t truly do anything to help us, Jesus is able to do something. He can provide us with the strength and peace we need to get through our storms, and that is what sets us apart as Christians. We know that no matter what kind of storm we face, we can rely on Jesus to help us.
Many times, when faced with difficult situations, we feel that we don’t want to bother Jesus and don’t feel like we can ask for help. The reality is that Christ is always available to us and ready to listen to our requests. He wants us to tell Him about our storms, no matter how big or small. We can ask Him for help and for guidance in dealing with whatever difficulty we may be facing. We should also remember to pray for other people who may be going through their own storms and don’t know how to talk to Jesus. He will be there for them too and will provide the help needed. We should never hesitate to share our struggles with Jesus, no matter the size. He is always ready to hear us and help us through our difficulties.
Read Luke 5:17-25
Four friends believed that Jesus could make a difference in their friend’s life, and so they brought him before Christ in a very unconventional way. They lowered the paralytic man through a hole in the ceiling, resting him before Jesus. Through their faith, the man was healed and saved. This story serves as a reminder that we should bring our friends’ storms to Jesus. As Christians, we have a special connection to Christ that allows us to help those in need. We can make a difference in each other’s lives and bring healing and salvation. We can put our faith in Jesus and trust that He will provide help and comfort. We can also pray for our friends and family, seeking strength, courage, and faith in Christ. God can use us to provide relief. It is through our faith and trust in God that we can make a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.
When it comes to communicating with Jesus, it can be intimidating to think that we need to know how to pray. But Mary and Martha proved that it doesn’t have to be complicated. When Lazarus was ill, they simply said, “Jesus, the one You love is sick.” Those few words were enough to get His attention, and they were enough to make a difference.
We don’t need to worry about having to pray in a certain way or for a certain amount of time. All we need to do is tell Jesus about our storm. We can tell Him what’s on our hearts and what’s causing us fear or sadness. It doesn’t have to be long and elaborate. We can say what we need to say, and Jesus will understand. Prayer is simply a way of communicating with God. It is an invitation to open up and share our hearts with Him. And, as Mary and Martha taught us, it doesn’t have to be complicated. All we need to do is tell Jesus about our storm, and He will hear us.
Read John 11:3
In John 11:3, Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus, asking for His help with respect to the illness of their brother. In His response, He gave them a promise, that Lazarus’ illness would not lead to death, but rather to the glory of God. This promise was both a comfort and an instruction, for it showed Mary and Martha that their prayers had been heard and that God was in control of the situation. This is what happens when we pray. We tell Jesus our troubles, and in return, He gives us instructions and direction. With His help, we can gain revelation and a promise that whatever we are facing will be overcome. He will provide us with the strength and hope to face whatever is in our path. In the case of Lazarus, the promise of God’s glory was fulfilled, as Jesus raised him from the dead. This is a reminder that when we pray and put our trust in God, He will see us through. He will answer our prayers and provide us with His help, guidance, and comfort.
Read Genesis 18:12-13
Once we receive Jesus’ instruction, promise, or inspiration, we need to believe it, stand on it, declare it, plan for it, expect it, get ready for it, and tell people about it. This is usually the time when people will laugh at us, the moment when they hear that Jesus made us a promise. This is the ‘Sarah’ laugh. Do we recall the story of Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis? Sarah did not believe when she heard that she would have a child despite her advanced age. To her, it was so unbelievable, she laughed. The Lord asked Abraham why Sarah laughed and questioned her faith in Him. Was there anything too difficult for the Lord? He would grant her a child at the appointed time.
Abraham and Sarah had to stand on their faith, believing that God would deliver on His promise even when it seemed impossible. If we are in the same position, we must stand firm and hold onto our faith, no matter what. We must declare the promise that God has given us and plan for it, expecting it to come to pass. We must also tell others about it, even if they laugh at us.
Read Luke 17:27 and Hebrews 11:6
It does not matter what other people think or say. What matters is what God thinks. Noah was mocked for building an ark on dry land, but who was laughing when the rains came? The Bible is clear that it is impossible to please God without faith. We are called to have faith in Him and to live in a way that demonstrates this faith. Our faith should not be influenced or swayed by the opinions of others. We must remain faithful to the promises of God and trust in His plan for our lives, even if the world around us disapproves.
God has a vision for each of us, a plan that is unique to us. Our loved ones may not always understand it right away, because they did not get the same promise we did. Through prayer, they will come to recognize and accept it. Praying for someone with sincerity and genuine intentions means that we will share their desires and align ourselves with the vision God has provided them. We can trust that as we pray, we will come to understand and accept one another’s paths.
Pastor Eric is not immune to making mistakes from time to time. On one such occasion, someone shared with him something that God had told him, yet he was quick to criticize it. This was likely due to Pastor Eric not praying for that person, and thus not allowing God to guide him through the situation. It is important to remember to always pray for others and to be patient with those around us who may not have the same understanding or experience with God. We all make mistakes, and it is important that we extend grace and patience to one another.
Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus informing Him that Lazarus was ill. He replied with an assurance to them that their brother would not die, but rather He was allowing this to happen for the glory of God. Likewise, we can cling to the power of God’s promises and have the boldness to pray. This assurance of faith should remain with us despite the situation, as Jesus said that it would not lead to death. We can have confidence in knowing that this is His will and that God will provide in His time. We can place our trust in Him, believing that He will make all things right for His glory. No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, it is important to remember that something good will come out of it. We may not know what that good will be, or when it will happen, but we can still have faith that it is coming.
When we are facing a difficult situation and don’t know if it is God’s will or not, we can ask God for wisdom. There is no one-size-fits-all solution; Jesus healed people in different ways, and He has a different plan and strategy for each of us. We can trust that God hears our prayers and that He will provide the answers we need. He is our source of strength and the One who can give us the peace and comfort that we need in times of trouble. Praying for His guidance and help is one of the best ways to navigate through uncertain and challenging times.
Read John 11:5-6
In John 11:5-6, we read that
Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.
This teaches us a powerful lesson; that God’s delays do not mean God’s denial. We can trust God to act in His perfect timing and His plans are always greater than our own. Whether we have to wait a long time or a short time, we can be sure that God will answer us at just the right moment. We may not always understand why there is a delay, but we can rest assured that God has something better in store for us if we remain faithful.
God’s delays do not equal God’s denial
Just because God does not answer our prayers in the timeframe that we expect does not mean that He is saying ‘no’. Pastor Eric has spoken to many people who have prayed about a situation, yet have not received an answer. Rather than take this as a sign of a ‘no’, we should continue to pray until an answer is received. God works in mysterious ways and His timing is not always our own. He may not answer our prayers immediately, but He will eventually answer them in His own time and in His own way. We must have patience and faith that God will answer our prayers in the way that is best for us.
Read John 11:21
The message came to Jesus that Lazarus was ill, and instead of rushing to his side, He chose to wait two extra days where He was. When we study this decision, we can see the significance of Jesus waiting two more days. By delaying his arrival, He allowed Lazarus to pass away and be buried for four days. Had He arrived earlier, He may have just healed Lazarus, but instead He chose to wait. This decision was deeply meaningful, as it showed Jesus’ desire to fulfill the Father’s will and glorify His name. By raising Lazarus from the dead, the impact was much greater than if He had just healed him. The miraculous power of Christ was displayed and faith in Him was strengthened. Jesus’ decision to wait two additional days was a powerful demonstration meant to reveal His miraculous power and to bring many to salvation.
Hearing someone testify that God healed their physical illness is indeed powerful, however, it is nothing compared to the power of hearing a testimony of someone who was resurrected by God. Hearing about a resurrection is an astounding experience, as it is a dramatic reminder of the omnipotence of God. It is a story of hope, faith, and assurance that God is in control and that He is capable of performing miracles. It is a reminder that, even in the darkest of times, God is still with us and has the power to bring us back from the brink of death. It is an inspiring reminder that nothing is impossible with God and that He can turn any tragedy into a triumphant victory.
It was so amazing that after Jesus told Lazarus to come out of the tomb after four days, the people believed. When His disciples heard that Lazarus was ill, they said Jesus told them that Lazarus was sleeping. But Christ said Lazarus was not sleeping, but rather that he was dead. Jesus also said that for their sake He was happy, as this would be an opportunity for them to see the glory of God. He then commanded that the stone blocking the tomb be taken away and Lazarus came out, still bound in the cloths. This miracle of Jesus showed the people that He was the Son of God. Everyone was amazed and many believed in Him.
Read John 11:47-48
As news of Jesus and His miraculous signs spread, more and more people began to believe in Him. This caused alarm among the chief priests and the Pharisees, who called an emergency meeting of the high council. They wanted to know what to do about this man who was changing the world with His powerful deeds. The situation was dire and they needed to come up with a plan. However, their plan of action failed, and belief in Jesus only continued to grow.
Lazarus’ illness did not result in death, but rather in the salvation of many, and fulfilled the glory and purposes of God. This teaches us that, no matter how large or small our troubles may be, if we are seeking the Lord sincerely and wait on Him, but we don’t hear from Him, then our situation may need to get worse before it gets better. We can, however, take comfort in knowing that God works in mysterious ways. In the end, we must trust that He will ultimately bring us the best outcome and that He will use even our most difficult times to bring about something beautiful.
Lazarus needed to die for Jesus to rise him up; a reminder that although our lives contain storms, we need to trust in God’s plan and timing. Even when it seems like there is a delay, it may not be a denial. Therefore, we must keep praying and trusting until we receive an answer, a direction, a promise, or until a biblical passage speaks to us. If we are honestly seeking God, then we can trust that He is faithful and will answer our prayers in His time. As Jesus showed with Lazarus, He will bring us back from the brink and give us a new life if we stay true to our faith.
Pastor Eric reminds us that even in the midst of our storms, we should not be afraid. He encourages us to continue praying, even when it feels like the situation has died. We can relate to this in our current circumstances, where we have been praying for days, and yet the situation seems to be going nowhere. People are weeping and it can be hard to find hope. However, we must remember what Jesus said to Mary and Martha after Lazarus’ death: He told them that this wasn’t the end, and that Lazarus would rise again. This is a reminder to us that our prayer will not be in vain, and that better days are ahead. We can have hope in Jesus and in the power of prayer.
Read John 11:35 and Romans 12:15
“Jesus wept” in John 11:35 is an incredibly powerful verse. It’s only two words, but it speaks volumes about Jesus’ character. The verse is a beautiful example of how Jesus had compassion and empathy for others. Christ was deeply moved. He was able to understand and relate to the pain of others, even when He was not directly affected by it. Romans 12:15 further highlights this idea, that we should share in the joys and sorrows of those around us. It is a reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion. Jesus showed us the power of compassion as He wept for His friends and we should follow His example. We should be willing to share in the joys and sorrows of others, just as Jesus did.
Read John 11:17-25
John 11:17-23 states that
Jesus arrived in Bethany and found that Lazarus had already been dead and in the tomb for four days. Bethany was about two miles from Jerusalem. Many Jews had come to see Martha and Mary. They came to comfort them about their brother Lazarus. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to greet Him. But Mary stayed home. Martha said to Him, ‘Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you anything you ask.’ Jesus said, ‘Your brother will rise and be alive again.
Jesus repeated what He said previously. Then “Martha answered, ‘I know that he will rise to live again at the time of the resurrection on the last day.’” (John 11:24). But Jesus corrected her saying that He was the Resurrection and the Life. The Resurrection is not only a day. It’s a person. He declared, “I am the Resurrection. I am the Life.” (John 11:25). Jesus was the person and the power of the resurrection.
Read John 11:26-27 and 32-44
John 11:26-27 states,
And everyone who lives and believes in me will never really die. Martha, do you believe this?’ Martha answered, ‘Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God. You are the one who was coming to the world.’
Note that in the passages above, there is frustration caused by unbelief.
There is frustration caused by unbelief
Pastor Eric pointed out that in this passage, there is frustration caused by unbelief. Mary and Martha had sent a message to Jesus informing Him that Lazarus was ill. Christ said that he would not die, but rather this situation would bring glory to God. However, when Jesus arrived, Martha expressed her frustration and disappointment, saying that if He had come earlier, her brother would not have died.
Mary and Martha had the promise of God. They had the reassurance that God would do something good. They knew that the One they were speaking to had the power to heal any sickness, even death. As the people around them began to lose hope and accept the death of their brother, Jesus came to the funeral and reminded them that He was still there. Everyone was acting like nothing had been said, and that it was over, but Jesus reminded them of His presence. He was there to bring hope and healing, to put an end to the despair and sadness that filled their hearts. Jesus was there to bring life out of death, to bring hope out of despair.
Read John 11:20, 31-33, Romans 12:15, and Matthew 17:17
John 11:33 states that, “when Jesus saw Mary crying and the people with her crying too, he was very upset and deeply troubled.” Pastor Eric was bewildered when he read this passage. The first time he read it, he saw Jesus as compassionate, but later he was perplexed by it. He decided to look into the Greek translation of the passage, and he found that the Greek term for ‘deeply moved’ is ‘embrimaomai’. This term denotes an intense feeling of distress and sorrow and it is often used to describe the emotions of a person who has been deeply hurt or affected: to be moved with anger. Pastor Eric realized that Jesus wasn’t showing a slight degree of compassion. He is the Author of life. He is the Resurrection. How could He be crying over Lazarus’ death? He knew He would raise Him from the dead. He was ‘deeply moved’ only after He saw sorrow in the eyes of Mary, Martha and the Jews. It is not uncommon for Jesus to be moved to tears when faced with the pain of others and this passage is a prime example of that.
Then Pastor Eric looked up the Greek word troubled which is tarasso. It means Jesus was disturbed, agitated, or stirred up in a negative sense. Pastor Eric was able to gain a deeper understanding of the passage by looking into its original Greek language, and he was able to gain a better appreciation of the intense emotions Jesus felt when faced with the grief of Mary, Martha, and others who were mourning with them.
We must not misunderstand Pastor Eric. Jesus is full of compassion and mercy and His Word tells us that “we are to mourn with those who mourn.” (Romans 12:15). Despite this, it appears that Jesus was expressing some frustration. He was often disappointed in His disciples for their lack of faith and understanding. In Matthew 17:17, Jesus said, “You people today have no faith. Your lives are so wrong! How long must I stay with you? How long must I continue to be patient with you?” His disciples were not getting it.
God’s love for us is eternal and unwavering, and Pastor Eric does not suggest that the Lord gets frustrated with us for not understanding Him. Nevertheless, he believes that God is frustrated when we, as Christians, act as if He has never done anything for us or as if He is unable to do anything for us. In the story of Mary and Martha, this sentiment is highlighted. In this story, Jesus arrives after Lazarus has already died, and He is visibly and audibly sad. Mary and Martha expressed their frustration that Jesus did not arrive sooner in order to prevent Lazarus’ death. (John 11:20, 32). Jesus responds by affirming His power to bring him back to life. In this story, we can see that Jesus is not frustrated with Mary and Martha for not understanding Him, but rather He is frustrated by their lack of faith. Jesus’ love for them is unwavering, even when they fail to understand Him. Pastor Eric believes that this is the same frustration God experiences when we, as Christians, fail to trust Him and act as if He has never done anything for us.
Read John 11:33-35 and Matthew 14:13
According to John 11:33-35, “When Jesus saw Mary crying and the people with her crying too, he was very upset and deeply troubled. He asked, ‘Where did you put him?’ They said, ‘Lord, come and see.’ Jesus wept.”
Pastor Eric believes Jesus was weeping due to the pain that Lazarus went through. Mary, Martha and the other mourners were in great anguish, and Jesus was deeply affected by their sorrow. Christ was experiencing an emotional moment similar to when he heard the news of John the Baptist’s beheading. He had to go away to a solitary place to be alone. According to Pastor Eric, Jesus was feeling a similar sorrow as He saw the people He cared about in such pain. Jesus’ compassion towards Lazarus and his family was evident in His heartfelt tears.
Read John 11:36-38
In John 11:36-38, Jesus’ emotions changed yet again in response to the questions of the Jews. They said, “‘Look! He loved Lazarus very much!’” (John 11:36). However, some of them asked, “Jesus healed the eyes of the blind man. Why didn’t he help Lazarus and stop him from dying?” (John 11:37). This question seemed to provoke Christ as He felt very upset. “Again, feeling very upset, Jesus came to the tomb. It was a cave with a large stone covering the entrance.” (John 11:38). It seems like the question provoked some element of frustration.
We are to avoid answering for God
Read John 11:39-40 and Ephesians 3:20
Martha’s statement in John 11:39 was a classic example of trying to answer for God. She was assuming that Lazarus had been dead for too long and that the smell of his body would be a problem for Jesus. But Christ was about to prove her wrong by raising him from the dead. In doing so, He showed us that He is capable of doing far more than what we can ask or imagine.
This is an important reminder for us to not try to answer for God. We may think we know what is best, but God’s ways are higher than our ways. We must trust in Him and His perfect plan, even if it doesn’t make sense to us. We must remember that He is sovereign and that He knows what is best. He will never fail us and He will always bring life out of death.
Perhaps we are on the verge of a miracle in our storm, but we are answering for Jesus. We are saying He can’t do this. The situation is hopeless. But we need to return to Jesus and say that He has the final word in our situation. We see this in John 11:40 when Jesus told Martha that if she believed, she would see the glory of God.
We may be in a difficult situation, and it may seem impossible to find a way out. But we can take comfort in the words of Jesus in John 11:40, where He tells Martha that if she believes, she will see the glory of God. We must turn to Jesus and trust that He has the power to bring us through the storm. We should not doubt His power and might. Instead, we should remember that Christ has the final say in our circumstances. He is our hope and our guide. We can trust that He will bring us through any situation we may face, no matter how challenging. We must have faith in Him, believing that He can work miracles in our lives and that He will bring us out of any storm.
Pastor Eric invites us to have such faith today, the kind of faith that sees the glory of God. Pastor Eric believes that in order for us to see the glory of God, our situation may need to get worse before it gets better. However, this does not mean that God has given up on our situation. It just means that good things normally take time. Pastor Eric encourages us to not give up, reminding us that even when our situation seems insurmountable, God is always with us, and that His promises are true. He encourages us to have faith in God and His plans, and trust that His timing is perfect. He wants us to have the kind of faith that doesn’t waver even when it seems impossible to see the glory of God. With this kind of faith, we can be sure that our situation will eventually improve, no matter how long it takes. Mary and Martha waited two extra days for Jesus to arrive, but that was because He was planning something much bigger than they had anticipated; He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead! This miraculous act of healing would not only help Lazarus, but it would also convince many to place their faith in Him.