November 9, 2018
Waiting: Appreciating God’s Delay
On Sunday November 4th, Pastor Eric shared a valuable message filled with hope and encouragement. The title of his message was: “Waiting: Appreciating God’s Delay”.
We all go through a season of waiting. It’s important to appreciate and be patient during these times. The wait can “make or break” or make you “better or bitter”. The outcome really is dependent on “how” you wait.
God knows the delays are critical to our lives. The process of waiting is important. Will you die in the dessert? Or will you appreciate the wait? Here are a few reasons why God may make us wait:
1). For God’s glory. We are strong when we are weak because we are dependent on God to strengthen us.
2). Nourish His people’s faith. “You can take the people out of Egypt, but it’s taking Egypt out of the people that takes time”
3). To be a witness to other nations. The wilderness is a powerful school that we all have to graduate from.
Here are three ways that can help us as we wait and appreciate the delay:
1). Don’t compromise. Even when tempted with the short cut, don’t take it.
2). Wait in Hope.
3). Be filled with the Holy Spirit.