October 18, 2021
Baptism Service – Romans 6:4
Baptism Service October 17, 2021 at New Beginning Church of Rockland.
Read Romans 6:4
In the sermon he preached on October 17, 2021, Pastor Eric explained the meaning of baptism and its significance.
Today, eight individuals were baptized. By entering the waters of baptism, each of them publicly declared their new status as a follower of Christ. Their immersion in the water symbolized Christ’s burial in the tomb; therefore, as they were lowered into the water, they publicly declared their desire to abandon their life of sin. Their rising from the water symbolized Jesus’ resurrection and their new life in Him.
The baptism of these eight people reminds us of the following:
God is still in the people business.
Read John 3:16
The Scriptures make it clear that God loves people. In fact, He demonstrated the depth of His love for us by giving His only Son, so that those who believe in Christ will not perish but will live for eternity. By breaking God’s one and only commandment, Adam and Eve rebelled against Him. Since sin entered the world through the consumption of the forbidden fruit, everyone born thereafter is afflicted with it.
Read Romans 6:23 and Isaiah 59:2
Sin leads to death. Adam and Eve’s eldest son, Cain, committed the first homicide by killing his younger brother Abel, out of jealousy. By committing sins, we create a barrier between ourselves and the Lord, thereby, hindering our relationship with Him. Sin contributes not only to physical death but also to spiritual death. In order to resolve the issue, God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross in our place.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:18
As stated in this verse, our relationship to God has been reconciled through Christ. There is only one mediator under heaven and He is Jesus Christ.
Read Romans 6:23
This verse states that sin brings death; however, God offers eternal life as a free gift through the death and resurrection of His Son. Salvation cannot be purchased; it’s a gift of love that is freely given. The Lord came to give you and I a new life. We were born into sin through our parents, Adam and Eve, but we were born again through Jesus’ death on the cross.
The church’s mission remains the same.
Read Matthew 28:19
These words were pronounced by Jesus immediately prior to His ascension into heaven. The gospel is not exclusive to the Jews: it’s for everyone. The Lord instructed us to “go and make disciples of all nations”. In spite of all the changes around us, one thing remains the same: We are to go out and make disciples. We, as a church, have the opportunity to carry on the work of our heavenly Father.
Today, eight individuals testified that Jesus changed their lives. In turn, they decided to follow Him. Are you willing to do the same?