business meeting title 2 Wide 16x9 min


New Beginning Church Rockland
954 Giroux Street, Rockland, ON, Canada
QR Code


Jun 04 2023


01:00 PM - 02:30 PM

Annual Business Meeting

Save the Date: Annual Business Meeting on June 4th at 1pm!

Dear NBC Members,

As mentioned on Sunday, our upcoming Annual Business Meeting will be:

Date: June 4th, 2023
Time: 1:00pm
Location: New Beginning Church

During the meeting, we will be reviewing the progress of our ministry activities, sharing the proposed budget for 2023, and discussing other significant updates. Your participation and presence are highly valued at these meetings.

You are welcome to bring your own lunch or enjoy some delicious snacks that will be provided in the fellowship hall. Also, we have received a draft report/review from BDO Canada, our auditing firm, but are still waiting for the final report, which we anticipate receiving shortly. As soon as we have it in our hands, we will share a copy with you, along with the ministry reports and the proposed budget for 2023.